Stechelberg – Schilthorn with Brunch

Includes return cableway journey from Stechelberg to the Schilthorn and the Schilthorn Brunch at the Piz Gloria 360-degree revolving restaurant. Daily until 14:00 h.

This voucher includes the following services:
  • Return trip Stechelberg - Schilthorn
  • Schilthorn Brunch in the 360°-Restaurant Piz Gloria
Any additional costs are at the expense of the guest.
A table reservation is required.


Select services:

Departure times

Ascent from Stechelberg by 8.55 a.m. at the latest

+ 120.00 CHF 
+ 87.00 CHF 
+ 76.00 CHF 
+ 66.00 CHF 